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Disclai mer

This e-book has been written for informat ion purpose s only. Ever ffort has been made to make this eboo k as comp lete and accurat s poss ible. However , there may be mistakes in typograph y o ontent . Also, this e-book provides informat ion only up to th ublishing date. Therefore , this eboo k shou ld be used a s a guide -

not as the ultimate source.

The purpose of this eboo k is to educate . The autho r and the pub lishe o not warran t that the informat ion conta ined in t his e- book is f ull omp lete and shall not be respons ible for any error s or omissions.

The autho r and publisher shall have neither liability nor respons ibilit o any perso n or entity with respec t to any los r damag e cause d or alleged to be cause d direct ly or indirectly b his ebook .


Tab le of Con tents

Introducti on ............................... ................................ ................................ .......... .5

Chapter 1 – How to Choose a Niche to Target ............................... .................. .7

What is a Niche and Why Does it Matter? ............................... .......................... .7

Why You Should Get More Specific When Choosing Your Niche ................... .10

The Power of Creating Your Own Niche............................... ........................... .11

Sites That Don't Fit Nicely Into Boxes............................... ............................... .12

Bringing Various Concepts Toge ther ............................... ................................ .12

Going More Niche ............................... ................................ ............................. .13

Trailblazing ............................... ................................ ................................ ........13

Chapter 2 – How to Choose a Business Name, Regist er a Domain, And Web

Hosting ............................... ................................ ................................ ............... .15

Choosing Your Domain Name and Site Name ............................... ................. .16

Branding............................... ................................ ................................ ........16

Memorabilit y............................... ................................ ................................ ..17

Uniqueness ............................... ................................ ................................ ...17

Other Considerations ............................... ................................ ................... .18

Buying Hosting and a Doma in Nam e............................... ................................ .18

Get Started With the Most Basic Promotion ............................... ..................... .22

Chapter 3 – Ema il Marketing............................... ................................ ............. .23

What is Email Marketing? ............................... ................................ ................. .23

Using Email Marketing ............................... ................................ ...................... .25

How to Get Your Emails to Stand Out ............................... .............................. .26

Receptivit y............................... ................................ ................................ .....27


Images and Clickability ............................... ................................ ................ .28

Chapter 4 - How to Get Traffic Through Paid Advertising ............................ .29

The Goal of PPC Marketing ............................... ................................ .............. .30

Designing Your Ad Accordingly ............................... ................................ .........31

Targetin g............................... ................................ ................................ ........... .32

Chapter 5 – How to Integrate Social Media to Grow Your Business ........... .34

Social Media Marketing Explained............................... ................................ .....35

Chapter 6 – How to Start Monetizing ............................... ............................... .41

Monetization Methods for Your Website ............................... ........................... .42

Ad Networks ................................................................................................ 43

Affiliate Products ............................... ................................ .......................... .44

Your Own Products and Services ............................... ................................ .45

Creating and Selling an Ebook ............................... ................................ ......... .46

Chapter 7 – Growth Hack s and Advanced Strategies to Skyrocket Your

Business ............................... ................................ ................................ ............. .48

Growth Hacks ............................... ................................ ................................ ....49

Guest Posts............................... ................................ ................................ ...50

Use Trending Hashtags ............................... ................................ ............... .50

Influencer Marketin g............................... ................................ ..................... .50

Create Link Bait............................... ................................ ............................ .51

Advanced Strategies............................... ................................ ......................... .51

Conclusion ............................... ................................ ................................ ......... .53



So, you want to get started with internet marketing? As an interne arketer , you’ll be able to earn mone y from the comfor t of you ome , with no limit as to how far you can scale and grow you usiness . It’s highly reward ing, and it’s a skill that you can use t and jobs, or marke t to other compan ies, too.

In short, you’ve made a very good decision!

Perhaps you’ve seen friends , or peop le online who seem to b arning mone y from the comfort of their home – and doing very wel t it indeed . Now it’s ti me to give it a go yourself!

There’s just one problem: it’s all rather comp licated. If you’re no amiliar with the world of interne t market ing, then you might even b onder ing how it’s even poss ible to earn mone y online without


selling anyth ing phys ical! It seems like everyon e is promot in achothe r and no one is actua lly shipping any phys ical products.

Then there is all the jargon: PPC, affiliate marketing, display ads,


It’s all a bit daunt ing and it’s certa inly not clear how or wher e to start.

Read on then, and we’ll take a look at everything you need to kno n order to becom e a maste r of interne t market ing and to star aking lots of mone y online.


Chapter 1 – How to Choose a Niche to


The first step to creating an online business is to choos e what kin f online business you want to create . This starts by choos ing a niche

– what is the subject matter you will be dealing with?

In this chapter , you will learn how to do this, and you will see ho his initial decision goes on to influenc e every other step.

• What is a Niche and Why Does it Matter?

Every site shou ld have a niche which desc ribes the kind of thing tha ou will be writing abou t and the peop le you will be writing it for. You ite might be a 'genera l' site or a persona l blog that


doesn 't stick to any particular topic, but even then there will be a east a 'theme ' or a feel tying it together . You might write abou ooks , coffee and the city, but that's still a niche in its way and it' ne that will attract a very spec ific type of person.

And know ing and unders tanding your niche is incred ibly impor tant i ou hope to be able to make a succes s of your site. Unfortunately,

too many webmas ters do not really fully unders tand their niche an heir sites tend to suffer as a result.

Essen tially you should know what your niche is. For most site owner r blogger s this will be an incred ibly easy quest ion to answer : th ite will probab ly be abou t 'footba ll' or 'techno logy' an d that's fairl asy to define.

If your site is more genera l though , then make a list of all the top ic hat you write abou t regularly and then think abou t a) what ties the ogether , and b) what kind of perso n will read them . You've probab l reated a new niche for yourself, but as long as your future conten eet s those same criteria then you will be on the money .

The niche you pick shou ld primarily be determined by your ow nterests . If you’re going to be living and breath ing your blog for th ext 10 years , then this NEED S to be someth ing you’re keen to lear nd write about.


What’s more , is that you won’t be able to deliver really unique an aluable conten t if you don’t know anyth ing abou t the topic! An iring profess ional writers won’t guarante e that you’ll find someon ho has a real pass ion and interest for the topic.

While that’s true, you also need to cons ider the viability of the nich hoice. How compet itive is it? Do you stand a chance aga inst th igges t sites? How profitable and monet izable is it? We’ll get ont his more in future chapters , but the subject you choos e shou ld b ome thing that peop le are willing to spend mone y on and that ha ots of opportun ities for informat ional products.


Financ e is t he very best niche in this regard becaus e there is s uch mone y to be made on that subject. But likewise, you’ll find tha ou can make a lot of mone y writing abou t dating, fitness , or othe opics that spea k to a f undamenta l huma n need in t his way.

• Why You Should Get More Specific When

Choosing Your Niche

But in order to r eally succee d – and to gain an edge over th ompet ition - you need to go a little deeper . Sure , your site might b techno logy webs ite, but what kind of techno logy do your wr it bou t? Who are you writing for? And what is the purpos e of you ite?

For instance , you might write abou t all kinds of techno logy but fin hat you seem to stick more to techno logy that's just aroun d th orner . Perhap s you write lots of big previews for techno logy that' oming. And perhap s you write in a very techn ical way that is clearl imed at peop le who know their stuff?

This is a very different niche from a site that reviews basi ommerc ial techno logy in a style that can appea l to t he averag ustomer .

Again then, you will have created your own niche that shou ld b omp letely unique. You might make a footba ll site sure, but is it a dr ite that deals with a detailed overv iew of footba ll for real fanat ics?

Or is it a more goss ip filled site that's aimed at the


typical 'bloke'? Again, these are slightly differen t niches and it' mportan t to recogn ise the difference .

If you can be cons istent with your precise niche, then you will fin hat your site offers someth ing that not every other site does . Yo ill have a spec ific audience and peop le who particularly like the wa ou approach the topic. Stick to your guns and you can make you ite highly successfu l as a result.

• The Power of Creating Your Own Niche

That said though , there are few niches left that have a good numbe f peop le intereste d but that never theless don't have too muc vercrowd ing in t he marketp lace. This is particularly difficult whe ou cons ider how important it also is t hat you actually be intereste n the niche that you're going to be dealing with so regularly from no n and that you actua lly know a thing or two abou t it too.

So how do you standou t without limiting your appea l or writing abou ometh ing dull? Well one solution is to come up with your own nich nd to creat e a webs ite that will be unlike any other . Here we wil ook at how you can potent ially acco mplish that.


• Sites That Don't Fit Nicely into Boxes

When you brows e the web for inspiration on niches for your webs ite,

you will often find lists of categories such as 'fitness ', 'making money ',

'footba ll', 'film' and other s like these. Not every site thoug h has to fi eatly into a category like this - it is poss ible to come up with omp letely unique angle and to creat e a niche that wasn 't ther efore .

Take http://www .lifehacker .com for instanc e

and http://www .lifehack.org . Thes e sites exist in the same niche bu o back a decad e and that niche wouldn't have existed. Thes e site ie together lots of theme s using a 'way of life' or 'attitude' to gel it al ogether . In this case that attitude is the 'hacker ' attitude - where DI pplies to everything from self- improvemen t to making money ; bu ou could just as easily build a site aroun d any other centra l idea lik his.

• Bringing Various Concepts Together

If you can't find a new them e to link the items on your site though ,

then anothe r option is to simply comb ine multiple existing niches tha ou think will go well together . This way you have your built-i udience - becaus e you'll get visitors from both of those existin iches - but at the same time you will have your own unique US nd be able to offer someth ing that's different from every thing else.

Examp les might include 'bodybu ilding and self-


improvement ', 'making mone y online and city living', 'travel and ar t'

or 'cafes , coffee and books '. Alternat ively, just taking a broade pproac h with your stories can help to give your site more meat an ut your niche more in contex t with other topics.

This strategy is also effective becaus e it creates a number of simpl arke ting options that you can use to r each a new audience . Fo nstance , if you have a webs ite base d around bodybu ilding and self-

improvement , then you will be able to promot e your site on self-

improvemen t forum s without being directly in compet ition with thos ites.

• Going More Niche

In contras t to broaden ing your niche, anothe r option is to get eve ore spec ific by finding a category within a category . Again, this wil llow you to marke t on sites that would otherw ise see you a ompet ition and will help make SEO easier by focuss ing your a im.

An examp le might be to t arget a particular kind of film such a s '80 ction films', a particular era of music, or perhap s a particular kin f exerc ise such as bodywe ight training alone.

• Trailblazing

Finally, if you have the resou rces, then you can even cons ide reating a niche befor e you create your webs ite. For example then,

if you run a softwar e compan y and you release a new piece o oftware or a new compute r game , then you will likely find that


this generate s interes t and fans. By creat ing a webs ite focusi ng o he software you have released , you can then provide an of ficia ebs ite for that interes t and creat e an almost symb iotic relationsh i etwee n your softwar e and your webs ite wher e the succes s of on elps the succes s of the other. This work s for ever y kind of produc nd service that will catch the public's attention. Thoug h not ever ebmaste r will have a produc t to promote , it's i mpor tant tha usinesse s and entrepreneur s don't miss this oppor tunity when i oes presen t itself.


Chapter 2 – How to Choose a Business

Name, Register a Domain, And Web


Now you have your niche, it’s ti me to t urn that basic topic into usiness mode l. This is where things can get comp licated for some ,

but it’s also the most fun and exciting part!

And it all begins with choos ing your business name , which is highl ikely to also be your webs ite name , which is highly likely to also b our doma in name (the addres s that visitors type into the browse r t ind your webs ite!).


• Choosing Your Domain Name and Site Name

If you are prepar ing to launc h a new webs ite, then there are severa hings you will need to do in prepara tion befor e you can eve n begi o think abou t conten t writing or SEO . Of cours e, one of the mos undamenta l starting points is to fi nd a hosting service an d to choos doma in name for your site or blog. This will give you somewher o store the files that make up your site, and it will give your visitor way to acces s them .

But deciding on a doma in name is more than just a pract ical matter ,

it's also going to have a huge impac t on the way your visitors vie our site, and on the way, you'll go abou t promot ing it. Here we'll loo t how to choos e a doma in name that will make sens e from usiness standpo int, and from a creat ive one too.

Brand ing

Com ing up with a name for your webs ite that you can build a bran roun d make s a lot of sens e for severa l reasons . For one, Goog l as explicitly stated that it will be trying to give more prom inenc e t rand s and to bury 'exac t name doma ins' (keywor d URLs ) in a ttempt to show better quality sites. At the same time though , if yo an creat e a brand name this will give you more oppor tunity for futur xpans ion mean ing that you can more easily marke t your site an reat e awarenes s while using that sam e brand ing in your adver tising.


Memorab ility

Of cours e, if you want peop le to come to your site often and to sprea he word , then it also make s sens e to choose a URL that w ill be eas o remembe r. If your webs ite name is t oo long or nonsens ical the his will mean that peop le struggle to return to your site, or to t el thers abou t it. Avoid comp lex comb inations of dashe s an nderscores , and try to make the URL as catchy as poss ible.

Uniquenes s

While Goog le is no longe r giving any advantag e to exac t-name -

doma ins, typing your URL into Goog le is still one way that peop l re likely to get to your webs ite. If your URL isn't at all unique though ,

then you'll be buried somewher e aroun d page 100. In t his regar hen, calling a compan y 'Apple' would be a bad move (fortunate ly the

Apple already had a lot of clout behind them).

Likewise having a more unique compan y name will help you to b ore memorab le again, and will also help you to avoid using an rademarke d names . Of cours e, you may also want to do som esearc h to ensur e that the name you want is available and tha ou're legally entitled to use it. Having a unique domain will als llow you to buy up similar doma ins (for typos etc.) with less chanc f them already being taken.


Other Considerat ions

There are many more cons iderations to bear in mind besides thes oints thoug h the degre e to which they apply to your site will vary.

For instance, if your business is li kely to be listed alphabet ically, the oming up with an URL beginning with 'A' or eve n '1' could be a goo ay to get yourse lf near the top. L ikewise, you may also want t ons ider the length of your doma in, and of cours e this is all jus cadem ic until you take into accoun t the price and availability...

Top Tip: While you don’t necessar ily need to buy the trademar k fo our doma in name , it is a good idea to make sure that nobody e ls as already bough t it. Chec k that there are no webs ites that hav ery similar names , and likewise do a searc h for trademarks t o mak ure that yours is unique

(https://www .uspto.gov/ trademark ).

• Buying Hosting and a Domain Name

Now you have a name for your webs ite, the next step is to build it.

This mean s doing a few things:

o Invest ing in a webhos t

o Buying your doma in name

o Crea ting the basic founda tion of your webs ite


A webhos t is where your site will be stored. Popu lar option nclude:

➢ Bluehos t – www.b luehos t.com

➢ GoDadd y – www.godaddy .com

➢ HostGator – www.hos tgator.com

All of these will provide what you need to get started, though ou ecommendat ion is to choos e BlueHost . A webhos t essent iall rovides you with spac e on a huge , always -connecte d compute alled a server . You upload the files that const itute your webs ite t his computer , and then when someon e types your URL into th ddres s bar, they will be show n those files.


That’s why you of course also need to buy the doma in name . Yo an do this separa tely, but the good news is that most webhost s wil lso allow you to buy a doma in name through their site directly. Onc ou click that you want to sign up, this will be the first thing you d efor e you pay for a deal.

There are plenty of different options and settings when choos ing lan for your hosting. As you are starting out as an internet marketer ,

you won’t have a huge amount of traffic to begin with, an d nor wil ou need to deal with lots of very big files – so the mos t basic option ill do.

Finally, you need to set up the basics of your webs ite. To do this, I

highly recommen d using WordPress .


WordPres s is a comp letely free tool that is readily available on mos osting plans and can be installed from the dashboar d via a singl lick. This then gives you a skeleton webs ite, and lets you eas ily ad ew posts , chang e a host of settings, and even install entirely ne heme s and mini apps.

WordPres s power s over a quarte r of all webs ites on the net, it is use y many of the best-know n brand s in t he world, and it is comp letel pen -sourc e and fully customizable. There is a huge commun ity o uppor t (just do a quick searc h for “how to set up a WordPres ebs ite” to get started) , and it work s with the larges t


propor tion of third-party apps and plugins. In short, there is n easo n not to use WordPress.

• Get Started with the Most Basic Promotion

Over the next few chapters , we’ll be looking at some advance arket ing and promo tion you can use to get your site to the top. Thi ncludes social media marketing, email marketing, and more. Befor e get ahea d of ourselves though , you might want to simply star opu lating your site to get more peop le to go there.

Your job now then, is to fi nd the blog section of your webs ite and t dd a new post that directly relates to your niche once every wee o once every day (the more, the better). Simply adding more conten o your site gives visitors a r easo n to keep check ing back , to shar our content , and to cons ider buying anyth ing you ’re selling.

Likewise, adding conten t will help to give Goog le some thing to us o identify the topic of your site, thereb y helping it to presen t you age when peop le searc h for relevan t terms.

Keep in mind that you can do this a l ot more effectively if you als se basic SEO . That mean s integrat ing searc h terms . This is a mor dvance d form of market ing, but one that you can look into as yo rogress.


Chapter 3 – Email Marketing

So now you have your webs ite and a bit of content, it’s ti me to star ctively marke ting it – to start getting peop le to go there . How do yo o that?

One of the most power ful options is email market ing, and this i here we’re going to start.

• What is Email Marketing?

While social network s have come and gone , and SEO (that’s Search

Engine Optimization), has been throug h many changes tha t hav ead peop le to quest ion its reliability and effect iveness , e-mai arketing is someth ing that has been aroun d for the longes t tim nd show n no signs of going anywhere . Most of us


will still start our days by check ing our e-mail, and any message s w ind in t here are still likely to get read and noticed.

In order to get starte d with email market ing, you will first need to ge ometh ing called an autoresponder . This is a t ool that you use i rder to collect email addresse s and then to send out multipl essage s at set times.

While you might think this is someth ing you can do without a mailin ist, that is abso lutely not true. To successfu lly collect and manag mails, you will need to hand le spam and ensur e that peop le reall ant to be on your list – both of which will involve th e use of onfirmation email. You’ll also need to hand le peop le unsubscr ibing,

you’ll want to maintain “list hygiene” by remov in efunc t emails, and you’ll want to be able to t rack who open s your

emails and which ones are most successfu l. None of this would b oss ible to do manua lly.

Cons ider one of the following autoresponders , and choos e the mos asic plan:


www.ma ilchimp.com

GetRespons e

www.ge tresponse .com


www.awebe r.com


Othe r good options include: Conve rtKit, Drip, and

ActiveCampa ign.

With this tool, you’ll be able to creat e a form to collect user details.

You can then add this to your webs ite in t he sidebar , or at the botto f each post. WordPres s will let you do this easily with the use o lugins.

• Using Email Marketing

Collecting emails when someon e lands on your webs ite is a power fu nd usefu l strateg y for turning visitors into leads . Now yo u ca arke t new product s to t hem, and encourag e them to come back t our site.


One way to use your email market ing is to send out emails tha rovide additional conten t – just like your blog posts . Anothe r optio s to email peop le talking abou t all the posts you’ve recent ly adde o your webs ite in order to encourag e them to visit again.

Then , when you have a produc t to sell, you will messag e to promot hat produc t and drive more sales. This will be discussed in ubsequen t chapter .

The point is that by using email market ing, you aren’t relying on you isitors check ing your webs ite every single day. You now hav e a wa o reach them – and it’s a way that isn’t dependen t on a third-part ite like Goog le or Facebook.

• How to Get Your Emails to Stand Out

But while email market ing has rema ined effective, it has somewha hange d in t he last decad e or so – even thoug h it might not b bvious on the face of it. The bigges t chang e of cours e is t he wa hat we chec k our emails. For most of us, this is now done on th ove and constant ly via our smar tphone s and tab lets. Rathe r tha etting home and check ing 20 e-mails at once , we are instea d ‘dri ed’ emails throughou t the day as we go abou t our business.

This in t urn then mean s that each email will be more likely to ‘stan ut’ from the other s and get noticed on its own merits, but it


also mean s that we have becom e more accustome d to j ust brush in hem off and viewing them as a nuisance . If you want you r emai arke ting campa ign to be a success , then you need to take that int ons iderat ion and facto r it into the way you design your subjec ead ings and the way you send your messages.

Recep tivity

When you creat e your mailing list you will of cours e need to selec he name s on it base d on who you think will be recept ive to you essage . This shou ld be a targete d mailing list so that the peop l ou are contac ting will find your produc t or service relevan t – it’s n ood send ing a Priest a catalogue of baby clothes.

At the same time thoug h you also need to think abou t the time a hich your mailing list will be most recep tive to your message . Thi ean s both in t erms of the point they’re at in their life ( baby clothe atalogue s will be more effective sent to those in t heir 30s), as wel s the time of day. What time are they getting home from work ?

When are they likely to be sitting aroun d answer ing e- mails, an hen is t heir inbox more likely to be empty ? Send ing mater ials on a

Sunda y morn ing will be much more effect ive than send ing them at

3pm on a Monda y – so get as much informat ion as you can abou our recipients and cons ider the tempora l factor in your market ing.


Oh, and if you can get your mailing list to agree to your market in nformat ion you will find that they are always much more recep tive t hat you have to say.

Image s and Clickability

If you want to get your recipients to then buy someth ing or visit you ebs ite, then you need to t hink abou t the image s you use in you essage . Using a clickab le button instead of a small hyper link wil lways improv e your click t hroug h rate becaus e it will be mor ppea ling to press. Likewise, using image s can help to make a quic isual impress ion on your visitors.

But then you have to cons ider the fact that many e-mail accoun ts wil lock image s from unknow n senders , and that peop le can becom nnoye d by down loading large images . Keep your message elatively plain then and use image s sparingly to give them mor mpact . Cons idering the wide range of devices your messag e will b iewed on will help you to avoid limiting your impact .


Chapter 4 - How to Get Traffic Through

Paid Advertising

PPC stands for Pay Per Click and refers to t he use of ad network uch as Faceboo k Ads or AdWord s in order to promot e your webs it r produc t. Basically, with any of these services you agree to pay et amoun t for each time someon e clicks on your advert an d this wa ou can avoid spend ing mone y on a campa ign that is unsuccessfu l.

Still thoug h you need to t hink abou t how you are going to conve rt th raffic you gain into profit and you need to t hink abou t how you ca et the right peop le to click on the adver ts. There are a numbe r o ricks to making a successfu l and most impor tantly a profitable PP ampa ign, so here we will look at what those are.


• The Goal of PPC Marketing

This is r eally the most impor tant thing to bear in mind; that a PP ampa ign that gets the most clicks is not necessar ily the mos uccessfu l one, as that mean s that you're actually spend ing the mos oney . You only want peop le to click on your advert s if they're likel o earn you mone y once they come to your site - if they're likely to b eturn ing visitors for instanc e who will click on your ads, or if they ar ikely to buy the product s that you are selling.

One of the best ways to make use of your PPC campa ign is to lin traight to a landing page wher e you are selling a product .


Then if you can get the produc t to sell for say $30 a throw, then yo an afford to pay $1 per click as long as you sell to at least 1/3rd o our visitors (this is called a convers ion rate). This way you are stil aking a profit.

PPC ads are show n base d on a split-secon d bidding system. Tha ean s that the more you opt to pay per “per click” (you get to set thi mount) , the more your ad will be show n in t he relevant spots . B ncreas ing the convers ion rate on your webs ite and by improv ing th ds, you can spen d more mone y and get your ad seen by mor eop le – scaling up your profits.

In order to work with this then you need to focus much more on the

CTR (Click Throug h Rate ) on your page and the quality of the traff i hat the PPC ad is bringing you. If you are tricking peop le into clickin our adver t and they are then only spend ing a minute on your page ,

then actua lly you're just wasting your money. Likewise, if your pag sn't doing a good enoug h job of conv incing peop le to buy, then agai ou are actua lly throw ing mone y away.

• Designing Your Ad Accordingly

As such you shou ld be aiming to create an adve rt that will attract th ttention you want it to f rom the right peop le, and only if t hey ar ikely to make a purchase.

In other words , then you can cons ider including the price in you dver t, the reaso n being that this will then allow you to drive away


peop le who aren't willing to spen d that kind of mone y - which is j us ine becaus e you don't want to pay for them to come to your site.

What is importan t still thoug h is that your adver t catche s the eye s hat the peop le you want to see it do, and the impor tant thing to bea n mind for this is that your adver t MUS T look profess ional if you hop o make sales. Be profess ional, be hones t and be up front and the s long as you focus on the CTR of your landing page you can ver eliably generat e mone y this way.

• Targeting

Whethe r you choos e to use Faceboo k Ads or Goog le AdWords, on f the most impor tant cons iderat ions for an effective campa ign i arget ing. In other words , are your emails reach ing th e right peop le

– the peop le who are likely to buy from you.

Again, this increase s the convers ion, mean ing that you can spen ore money , mean ing that you increas e your profits.

AdWords show s adve rts on Goog le’s search engines and is base n what peop le searc h for. You will pick the searc h terms you wan o target , and when someon e looks for that phrase , your ad wil ppea r at the top as a “sponsore d result.”

Faceboo k Ads show s ads on a user’s Faceboo k home feed base d o heir interests , demograph ics, and more . You can this way choos o show your fitness book only to peop le who have listed


“work ing out” as an interes t (but who might also have listed thei eight as being a little on the heav ier side!).

Which option is bette r for you? That depend s on the natur e of you onet ization (which we’ll talk more abou t in a moment ). Keep i ind though, that while Faceboo k lets you target an aud ience base n a greate r amoun t of informat ion, Goog le lets you target peop l ase d on their intent. In other words , if someon e searche s for “bu itness ebook, ” then that tells you that the y are actua lly looking t uy an ebook . Thus they might be eas ier to conver t.

If you are trying to make your mone y from ads thoug h (and again,

we’ll discuss this option shortly), you might not be able to f unne l a uch mone y into your business plan.


Chapter 5 – How to Integrate Social

Media to Grow Your Business

Now you have PPC and email marketing being used to direct traffi o your webs ite, and to drive sales of a produc t (that we haven ’ dde d yet). But there are still more tools at your disposal fo r drivin ven more custom .

One such tool is social media. Social media is an extreme ly usefu esourc e when it come s to gaining traffic becaus e it essent ially let ou talk to an audience like a huma n being. We all use social media,

and so we unders tand how it ticks. This is certa inly NOT necessar il rue of Goog le!

What also make s social media powerfu l, is that it lets you buil elationsh ips with your audience . That in turn can be immense ly


power ful when it come s to getting peop le to becom e loyal to you ebs ite, getting them to sign up for your emails, and getting them t isit your page directly – Goog le or no!

• Social Media Marketing


Some times it can feel a little li ke guesswo rk when you're trying t uild a f ollowing on social media – espec ially when you start out.

At first, you'll feel like every post you write is f alling on deaf ears an fter spend ing ages coming up with interest ing things to say you 'll b et with the soun d of silence in r eturn. And what sort of


conten t shou ld you be focus ing on anyway ? And how do you ge eop le to li sten?

While it can seem like you're just blindly fumb ling abou t in the dar hough , there is a prove n metho d for finding succes s on soc ial medi nd it's perfectly poss ible to systemize the process t o ensur e rapi uccess . Here we will look at how to implement th e best strateg y an tilize the right tools to start generat ing a following and taking th uesswor k out of social media market ing.

The Strategy

The proces s of building a success ful social media campa ign is fairl traightforwar d when you know how. The goal is to continuous l eliver value to your audience via informa tive and interest ing post hat you upload regularly to your various accounts.

At the same time though , you also need to make sure that you hav strong brand identity acros s these accounts . That means tha t yo hou ld have the same accoun t name , logo and imagery o n

Faceboo k and Tumb lr as you do on Twitter and Instagram . Yo hou ld be creating multiple channe ls that your visitors can use t ind you and using them all synerg istically.

From there you shou ld begin building your followers. This is trickies hen you're starting out as follower s bege t follower s – in


other words , peop le will be more likely sign up once they see othe eop le have.

To start those followers coming in you shou ld make sure you hav ocial media buttons your webs ite or blog. That doesn 't just mea haring buttons – but links directly to your accoun t that your v isitor an follow to find you. Alternat ively, you can use more elaborat idgets to showcas e your channe ls, such as having a Twitter feed

(this will have the adde d bonu s of making your site look more active).

This is very important and while you might not think it would work,

simply having those links there will be enoug h to gradua lly get som isitors seep ing in.

From there you keep posting. And you can use some of the followin ools and strateg ies to start getting even more follower s as you do…

Some quick tips:

• Use the most trending hash tags when posting

• If you can’t be on every social platform (which is ideal), then tr o be on the ones that fit your style of conten t creat ion and tha arget the same audience that you are

How to Grow Your Connec tions


Want to know one of the bigges t motivating drives for peop le? ens e of obligation. That is to say that if someon e feels like you 'v one some thing for them, they will feel compe lled to do some thin ack until they feel like they've done as much for you.

This powe rful tip can be instrumen tal in building your social medi ollowing. Simply add peop le and they will add you back . Or, retwee heir posts and they will retwee t yours . It really is that easy.

That said though , you don't want to waste your time adding m illion f follower s and then retweet ing their stuff if you aren't going to se ny benef it from it. That then is wher e a tool like Social Rank ca ome in very hand y – this will tell you which of your follower s i ngag ing with you the most and which of them ha s the bigges ollowing of their own. Very power ful stuff if you wan t to know who t etweet and who to engag e with more genera lly!

What Social Rank also does is to illustrat e the importanc e of qua lit ver quant ity when it come s to your social media followers. I n othe ords , it's bette r to have one influential and active follower than illion who don't care abou t you and don't have any reach of thei wn.

Better yet, you want to fi nd people to add who are potent ia ustomer s – which is where some thing like NeedTagge r


(www .needtagger .com) come s in. This lets you find peop le who ar ikely to be intereste d in your product s or services!

How to Improve Your Posts

As you post, you also need to ensu re you are keep ing track of ho ffective those posts are so that you know whethe r what you 're doin s work ing.

LikeAlyzer (www .likealyzer.com ) lets you see which of your

Faceboo k posts are success ful and what your compe tition is doing –

as well as providing you with actionab le tips for your own page.

In genera l, make sure that your posts are using popu lar hashtag nd that they're focuse d on hot topics. BuzzSum o

(www .buzzsumo .com) is a very usefu l tool that will enab le you t asily see what topics are current ly popu lar while you can se rend ing tags on Twitter itself. Of cours e you can also use tool ike Buffer (www .buffer .com) to save you time actua lly posting

(it lets you queu e posts).


Don't Give Up!

Hope fully these tips will have helped you to start feeling mor onfident in your social media campa ign. If you find you aren't a hi vern ight thoug h don't worry – these things take time and omb ination of trial and error and lots of data will only help you t efine your strategy . This isn't an art, it's a science and once you ge he hang of it it's an incred ibly power ful tool for you to l everage .


Chapter 6 – How to Start Monetizing

If you got into this with the aim of making mone y from your webs ite…

then what are you waiting for? If you have peop le actively visitin our webs ite and reading your content , then there ar e many way hat you can generat e a great profit from that w ithout having t omp romise in any major way and without even affecting th xper ience for them.

You’ll earn mone y even as you sleep, and you’ll find that you ge ealthier without actually doing anything starting as soon as you se t all up.

That’s ri ght, we’re fi nally getting to t hat point. It’s t he interne arket ing dream!


The only slight obstacle between you and your happ y future o ass ive incom e is deciding upon which monet ization metho d to use,

and deciding how precisely you are going to t urn your site into a cas ow. Here we will look at some of the options available to you an heir strength s and weaknesses.

And for the rest of you who are already running success ful mone y-

making webs ites this still applies to you – as it may just be tha t yo ren’t making the most of your site in that regar d and you could stan o learn a thing or two.

• Monetization Methods for Your Website


The following are some of the most powe rful mone tization method or any webs ite. Just keep in mind that you don’t necessar ily need t ick betwee n these . Often the best strateg y is to use them together!

Ad Networks:

Every webmas ter is f amiliar with ad networks. The idea here i imply that you sign up as a publisher, and then you place a littl nippet of code on your pages . That code then autogenera te dver ts from participating adver tisers base d on the conten t on you ages , and that in turn ensure s that you get the most relevan t advert how ing up on your sites and that you don’t need to worry abou has ing down the advert isers yourse lf. You will then be paid in mos ase s per click every time someon e clicks on one of your ads.

The most obvious ad network that most peop le use is Goog le

AdSens e which is know n for relatively high pay outs and being eliable and easy to implemen t system . Some compan ies make thei ntire living from AdSense.

However , AdSens e is not the only ad networ k on the block, and ther re some out there with slightly less stringen t requirements (fo r al hose of you who own gamb ling sites) and that are less likely t imply close down your accoun t (as severa l webmas ters hav epor ted Goog le doing).


At the same time, you might choos e to comb ine multiple a etworks . You can do this using AdSens e if you are using anothe imilar network , but if the method is sufficiently different then you ca oub le up if you so wish – for instanc e you can use ‘in text’ ad s suc s Kontera . Howeve r, Kontera has a relatively very low CPC (Cos t

Per Click) and can in some case s distract clicks away fro m Goog l athe r than doub ling your clicks as you might have hoped . It has a

CTR thoug h so has some value for sites with very high volumes o raffic.

Affiliate Products

Selling affiliate produc ts is often more profitable on a per-click bas i ut you will have a much lower convers ion rate as peop le have t ctua lly put their mone y wher e their mous e is and buy some thing i rder for you to get any benef it.

Amazo n have perhaps the most popu lar affiliate service allowing yo o get a cut for recommend ing a r ange of their products. Howeve r,

this is again a r elatively low cut, and you can get more from usin ore services. Most supp lemen t store s for instanc e have an affiliat chem e if you are a webmaster , and Clickban k provides a great wa or you to fi nd many other partners and sell such product s as eBooks.


Your Own Produc ts and Services

What you need to r ecogn ize in all of these case s howeve r withou xcept ion is t hat you are at the bottom of the pile if you are makin one y in this way. At the end of the day you are getting paid to sen eop le away from your webs ite, and as those adver tisers are willin o do this that tells you that they are worth more than you are gettin aid for them.

As such , the most effective way to make mone y from a visitor is t ell product s and services. Now you can do this by buying and se llin tems wholesale and making a small profit on each one, but this wil equire a lot of time, administration and storage space . Better is t ake that mone y by selling product s and serv ices that are free fo ou to produc e en-masse .

The best examp le of this is to sell e-book s and even print books

(wher e you use POD services) which requires no work on your par nce they have been set up. Likewise, you can sell subscr iptions t our site, copyw riting and web services, or even a ‘course ’ whic ight cons ist of some regular e-mails, a book and subscr iption in on ackage . And peop le will be willing to pay a lot for that if you marke t well.

E-book s offer the simplest way to start making mone y from you ebs ite right away though , so let’s take a look at how you can star aking mone y this way first of all.


• Creating and Selling an Ebook

First of all, you need to make your produc t. This can be a book , ourse , a series of videos or a range of other things. The theme her s up to you, but self-improvemen t of various kinds – such as dat ing,

weight loss or mone y making – are often highly impor tant. Make sur hat you are very behind your produc t and you believe in it strong ly,

as this will help you to believe in your own market ing and to push i verywher e you can. If you’re embarrasse d or shy o f your ow roduc t then you need a rethink.

Another tip is to t hink abou t your target audience . Choos e on arket , and design your produc t spec ifically for them and you wil ave more succes s than more vague ly aiming your produc t a veryone . Think abou t your demograph ic and creat e an imaginar erso n in your mind that would be your ideal customer . Then , as yo esign your produc t ask yourse lf – would ‘Dave ’ like this?

o Filter Visitors

Now you want to be able to direct your visitors as necessa ry in orde o conver t them from visitors into cash . Here ’s a quick quest ion tha an often be highly illuminating regard ing your site – when someon irst visits your home page , what do you want to be the first thing the o? If you current ly can’t answe r that def initively, then you will fin our visitors don’t know wher e to go either.


This is what you shou ld be wanting from your visitors: an e-mai ddress . A great way to do this is to give someth ing away for free.

By giving away a fr ee chap ter of an e-book for instance , or a fre ideo from your course , you will be able to exchang e that for an e-

mail address . Then once you have their address , you will be able t arke t to them directly throug h their inbox . The great thing abou t tha s that even if t hey don’t stay on your site, you will still be able t ontinue to marke t and promot e to t hem.


Chapter 7 – Growth Hacks and

Advanced Strategies to Skyrocket Your


Now everything is in place. Now you have exce llent webs it esigned in WordPress , with a smar t brand ing and doma in name .

You have a design that is born out of the niche you chose , you hav egular conten t coming out, and all of that conten t is directing you isitors to either buy a product , click an ad, or sign up to your mailin ist – you’re making mone y either way.

But that’s just the start. Now it’s ti me to grow. And the good news i hat there are some very quick and effect ive ways to do this.


This chap ter is going to share “growth hacks ” and advance trategies. However , it’s not just going to share the usua l slew.

Rather, it’s going to contain the methods used by the bigges t brand n the world, and the key differenc e betwee n a highly successfu ebs ite, and one that just turns over a little profit befor e going under .

• Growth Hacks

Growt h hack s are techn iques you can use in order to get ahea d whe romoting a webs ite. They essen tially allow you to circumven t th sua l gradua l trajectory for the popu larity of a site and instea d t reat e a much steepe r climb.


Here are some examples:

Guest Posts

A gues t post is a post that you write and give for free to anothe onten t creator . The idea is that this post then includes a link back t our webs ite. They get free content , but in exchange , you get a lin hat will improv e your ranking on Goog le AND lead to a l ot of direc licks from that creators ’ following. Not only is it a li nk, but it will als ct as a testimonial of sorts from someon e those peop le trust!

Use Trending Hash tags

Espec ially when posting to social media, this make s a hug ifference . If you’re not sure what hashtag s to use, chec k out th nes used by your best compet itors.

Likewise, creat ing conten t base d on curren t trends can be a xtreme ly benef icial strategy.

Influence r Marketin g

Influence r market ing is a strategy that involves getting someone w it big following to mention your blog (often called a shou tout). Thi orks extremely well, becaus e you might get a click from say 10%

of that person ’s audience . If they have 1 million followers, the n that’ BIG influx of traffic right there !


Create Link Bait

Link bait is a t erm for a post that is so usefu l and such a grea alking point, that you can almost guarante e that peop le are goin o start linking to it for free and thereb y providing you with fre raffic and an improve d reputat ion in the eyes of Goog le.

Good examp les of link bait include posts that are comp lete guide o a subject, as well as those that argue a controvers ial point.

• Advanced Strategies

Growt h hack s might be popu lar, but more importan t is to t ake you kills to t he next level and to deve lop the serious, advance trategies used by major brand s and blogs.

An examp le of this is SEO . SEO can be extremely powe rful i elping you to gain more visitors for your webs ite, and espec ially i ou use SEO alongs ide a large amoun t of conten t with affiliate links.

Some quick and effective tips for good SEO :

• Use a tool like Keywo rdtool.io to fi nd your search terms

• Be subtle in your use of keywo rds when writing – 1% dens it s more than enoug h


• Use related terms and synonym s

• Include the keywor d in your open ing and closing paragraph ,

one header , and your page ’s title

Another examp le of an advance d strategy is to create a YouTub hanne l. This is one of the very best ways to build a r elationsh i ith your visitors and to gain more exposure . It can be gam hang ing, if you take the time to create a successfu l channe l.

Finally, make sure that you spen d a l ot of time and effort o rand ing. The key to a highly successfu l brand is to ensur e that a oon as someon e looks at your webs ite or your logo, they know if i s going to appea l to them .



This book has taugh t you the tools and skills you need to begi nterne t market ing.

What’s more importan t is taking action. Building your webs ite is on f the most crucial things you can do to succee d online becaus e yo re building on your own platform.

Use the social channe ls in comb inations with SEO and pai dver tising to gain an audience to your webs ite and offers to buil our brand and business.

Most impor tantly, neve r stop learning. Thos e who are success fu oday starte d from the bottom .

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